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Hannah Sutherland

Instructional Design & Technology Consultant

Hannah Sutherland (she/her) is the Instructional Design and Technology Consultant for Arts, Music, and Powell libraries as well as a member of the Teaching and Learning team at the UCLA Library. She is particularly passionate about scalable and accessible online pedagogy.

My WI+RE Portfolio

My Contributions

7 Tutorials: CREATES | Breaking Down Academic Articles 5-star editor review on merlot.org | Breaking Down Your Prompt 5-star editor review on merlot.org | Passive and Active Voice | Annotated Bibliographies 5-star editor review on merlot.org | Finding Images with the UCLA Library 5-star editor review on merlot.org | Primary Source Analysis |

2 Handouts: Breaking Down Your Prompt | How To Navigate Retaking a Course |

1 Sandbox Posts: Offer your own Workshop Series on Learner-Centered Design and Rapid Prototyping |